Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Today's post is an emotional one....

My cousin emailed me last week to tell me to expect a package.

Inside I found a DVD, and on the DVD was a slideshow. My Aunt & Uncle moved into their house a 16 hour drive from me the year I was born, if I'm not mistaken. I spent numerous vacations there & was back & forth for weddings and other occasions. It was a constant in my life, even though it was from a distance.

I think I went 9 years without a visit until 2006 when I took my new family to meet some of my relatives that hadn't made their way to us for our wedding or births of our first 2 boys. Then I went back early 2009 with my newborn girl as a surprise for my cousin's 40th Birthday (and we shocked my Aunt & Uncle as well!). One more quick trip with just Dan & I last September for a girlfriend's wedding & we found out that it may be our last.....the house was going up for sale soon!

So to round up my story, the slideshow was photos of the house, many of the people who came through it & so many happy memories......I will treasure it always!

Thanks for listening today!

1 comment:

Sandy a la Mode said...

awww what a sweet little package! :)

thanks for sharing the shutter love tuesday link up with me, i added my photo! :)