Wednesday, December 15, 2010

(182/365) 12 days to a joyful Christmas

Finding joy today was a little more difficult:
- it was not freezing, but it was snowing & blowing
- lily may have pink eye (probably) & is currently coughing in her sleep
- both boys seem to have funny tummies tonight....
- because of the above, i missed Henry's first Christmas concert, but Dan took video & it was amazing!

So here we go.....
I'm finding joy in the fact that I:
- have a warm, comfy place to curl up in on days like today
- have a vehicle to take us to & fro
- am a stay/work at home Mom so I can be here when my kids need me
- have pretty much all of my shopping done, thanks to my wonderful date night yesterday!


Naomi said...

Lovely photo and I like your positive attitude! I need to find the joy more often! :) hope your kiddos feel better !

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous photo. We need to have a date night so we can go shopping.

Dana @ Bungalow'56 said...

How did you make that snow look so warm and cozy?

Annette Whelan said...

We have to find happiness where we can. Sometimes it's so easy to see the negative. Lovely post, love the sparkly snow pic! :) Take care