I Heart Faces: vroom vroom
It's been a while since Jack has played with cars...it's super heroes & soldiers mostly. But on our road trip they watched the movie "Cars".....so look what came out yesterday...

It's also my Day 89 photo for my 365 challenge
Sweet Shot Tuesday:
Another shot from the Dinosaur Museum.

Simplicity: Water....
As we rode across the Red Deer River on a little Ferry.

A not-so-great photo of the Ferry as we waited for it.
Communal Global:
Today Henry started French Immersion Preschool!
(also my day 90 photo)
Lily & I were all alone....with 2 hours to kill....I said "let's go do something girlie"...but let's be serious...she's 22 months old. So we went to Second Cup, were lucky to grab 2 comfy chairs & I helped her with her princess sticker book while editing a few of Henry's pre-preschool photos. She had a kids coffee (vanilla warm milk) & I had a latte! Mmmmmm......and since Dan was being the "parent" for Henry's class, I grabbed him his favorite too: 4 shot Americano in a small cup with milk.

Have a great day!
It's been a while since Jack has played with cars...it's super heroes & soldiers mostly. But on our road trip they watched the movie "Cars".....so look what came out yesterday...

Sweet Shot Tuesday:
Another shot from the Dinosaur Museum.

Simplicity: Water....
As we rode across the Red Deer River on a little Ferry.

A not-so-great photo of the Ferry as we waited for it.
Communal Global:
Today Henry started French Immersion Preschool!
(also my day 90 photo)
Lily & I were all alone....with 2 hours to kill....I said "let's go do something girlie"...but let's be serious...she's 22 months old. So we went to Second Cup, were lucky to grab 2 comfy chairs & I helped her with her princess sticker book while editing a few of Henry's pre-preschool photos. She had a kids coffee (vanilla warm milk) & I had a latte! Mmmmmm......and since Dan was being the "parent" for Henry's class, I grabbed him his favorite too: 4 shot Americano in a small cup with milk.

Have a great day!
The ferry ride looks so fun, what a neat shot.
That first shot is adorable!
Marla @ www.asthefarmturns.wordpress.com
Oh my heart. Thanks so much for joining us today at Communal Global! Your little Henry is quite a cute preschooler. Just darling : ) Love your pictures. : ) Hope your week is happy and Henry loves his preschool!
great photos. love the ferry shot.
I love the first one especially. Priceless.
Thanks for linking up!
Henry looks so sweet with those cute glasses! What a cute shot! The dinosaur shot is SO neat! :)
All ur pictures are great...love the editing on the cars one!! The dinosaur shot is great!!
How did I miss these yesterday. I love them all.
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