I'm a dabbler....photography, scrapbooking, card making, sewing....and I've recently been inspired to do projects based on a contest or challenge. And you need a blog to link it up to the sites, so here we are....Just Bits & Pieces of our life!
These photos were taken specifically for a challenge, but because of internet problems I couldn't actually post them in time, but decided since I took them that I'd make them into my first blog post!
I Heart Faces Photography is a blog I've recently been following & this contest was called "faces & flowers". You needed to have a human face & flowers in the photo. We have a very small apple tree that we're hoping will produce our first batch of apples this year & I tried to capture my 2 boys behind it........this is what I came up with:
super shadowy....
Using Florabella's Milk & Honey II action (still a bit shadowy, but now can be kept instead of deleted!)

Using the "bandaid" from photoshop elements 8.0 to get rid of the dirty spots on my son's face, cropping & Florabella's Soft Urban action:

I edited the photos using Florabella's actions (listed above the photo). If you're an amateur photographer like me, who hasn't even had the time to read my manual or watch the instructional dvd's I received with my entry-level SLR camera, you NEED to check this out....it makes my photos look "almost" professional!!!! (Ok.....maybe that's a stretch, but with the help of a decent camera & nifty tools I'm learning, they're among the best photos I've taken!!)
Happy Thursday!
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